Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chyna's Garden

Welcome to my blog, where I hope you will find respite from the hectic world outside...


  1. Looks like a nice place to visit now and then!

  2. Thought I'd stop in for a moment of peace and say hi. It's 1am on the Chesapeake. There's a gentle spring rain falling, and it's a nice place to be.

  3. I stopped by to wish my good friend good night :-)

  4. Well there's nothing peaceful about having the flu for almost 5 days, but I did sleep a lot! And I think I lost 5 lbs! YAY! Will get back to working on this soon, thanks to my daughter who showed me how to get past the block I had run into. Turns out it's EASY, when you know how:) Thank you daughter dearest!

  5. Thanks for looking in, Bruce! Nice to have company over, even if it took me awhile to notice!

  6. We already have lightning bugs, or fireflys, whichever term you use. Seems very early to me.

  7. The hummingbirds have migrated away from the Mid-Atlantic region. Fall is near. I fed them for months and they didn't even say goodbye !!!

  8. Almost February. The Chesapeake is frozen over and I'm tired of snow :-)
